We offer services that go beyond the offerings of Big4 advisory firms, however we too have limits to what we can provide. That’s where our partners come in. International Trust Services (ITS) is one of those partners and they offer excellent trust services. They provide trust services to businesses that decide on establishing themselves in the Netherlands. They provide the following services, but are not limited to:
- Business representation.
- Organization of management meetings.
- Minute-taking for general member assemblies and board meetings.
- Composition of board directed decisions.
- Communication with local advisors, accountants, municipality/government and the tax authorities.
- Deliberate participation in long-term strategy discussions and optimalization of operations.
In essence, ITS provides management services and domicile registrations services. Additionally, they have accumulated expertise on (tax) legislation to enhance the quality, durability and efficiency of existing management practices. The main course of business for ITS concerns the provision of assitance in representation of businesses when deciding on creating a subsidiary office (or headquarters) in the Netherlands. Only by having a domicile representation, business can be commenced as per usual. Without a domicile registration by a trust firm, business cannot be conducted in the Netherlands. In the end that’s what we are trying to achieve, so this will be a step closer to the ultimate goal: doing business in the Netherlands!
Need more convincing? We are more than willing to tell you more about what ITS can offer you, a new business in town, specifically. Feel free to reach us at +31(0) 85 48 54 500 or shoot us an email at lets@doingbusinessin.nl. We can either schedule a physical meeting or a call. Please visit the ITS website for even more information. Hope to see you soon!